Saturday, November 14, 2009

DPW Leaf removal info

Street Sweeping becomes Leaf removal in November. Deputy Director of Public Works, Howard Weissberg, who spoke & answered questions at Nov's CMT meeting, reports that DPW has finished removing leaves from Ward 25/Route 11's streets. They will probably be back for more in December, as leaves fell late this year impacting the schedule and removal efficiency and completeness. Starting in November, DPW assesses the need for leaf pick-up, route-by-route, and formulates the schedule based on need and efficiency and not on a set schedule. This year, DPW also even added a "scraping" crew with a front-end-loader to go out ahead of the sweepers to remove big batches of leaves. Leaf crews AND garbage crews take away "resident bagged Leaves" during leaf season. It is illegal for anyone to rake or blow leaves into the street. DPW will warn and ticket violators. Howard does admit that communication could improve so they can get more cooperation from residents regarding moving cars and bagging leaves. Howard says he will continue to work to improve this program.

There is also a "night crew" to spot sweep and address arterial roads. CT DOT does not help with "their" many roads like Whalley & Fountain.

Please contact Ina or me to pass on any concerns about City Sweeping & Leaf removal to Howard. The concerns I've been hearing suggest many folks would like to see: ALL cars removed prior to sweeping and especially prior to leave collection (improve efficiency), more communication of schedule (via web or robo-phone calls), more information about "the rules" (website, flyers), and more enforcement of the bagging & not-into-the-street rules. Some folks would also like more supervision & evaluation of City crews/employees to ensure proper procedures (no leaf bags in with regular garbage) and increased efficiency.