Thanks again to everyone that came out to vote yesterday! Thanks to all the ward 25 neighbors, supporters, and friends! I truly appreciate your demonstration of support. I indeed look forward to helping!
Thanks also to everyone that supported the Edgewood PTO bakesale! They raised over $1300!
741 Votes cast (voting machine total)
Counting absentee, I received 638 votes. Link to the NHI story with more results & numbers. Machine results: 625 votes, there were 110 blanks, 6 write ins (no info for those).
In our Ward, Mayor DeStefano received 553 votes, Ferrucci 110, Sumner 9, Watley 21
For Town Clerk: Ron Smith 502 & Leonard Nixon 119
The Development Act question received 585 YES, 84 No & 72 blanks
(the above are the voting machine totals)
As usual, the voter turn out and participation for our Ward was strong (third highest behind the contested races in Wards 10 & 18). Thanks!