Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my BOA Committee Assignments and more

The President of the Board of Alderman, Carl Goldfield (Ward 29) has made the committee assignments.

I have been appointed Vice-Chair of the City Services and Environmental Policy Committee and as a member of the Legislation Committee and the Education Committee.

All the committee assignments have been updated on the City's website at the bottom of the Aldermen page.  This page also has the contact info for all the Aldermen.

I look forward to being helpful serving on these three committees.  I have also been elected as one of the Board's representatives to the Capital Projects Committee (not a BOA committee but more like a commission), and  I will also serve as an Aldermanic and neighborhood representative on the Board of Directors for the Tennis Foundation of Connecticut (stewards of the CT Tennis Center at Yale and current site of the Pilot Pen professional tennis tournament).