Wednesday evening (3/10), the Mayor and a dozen City staff and department heads came to Edgewood School to present the Mayor's FY11 Proposed Budget Briefing and to answer questions from neighbors. About twenty neighbors and several other city residents came to listen and ask questions. For those that couldn't attend, the next Community Budget Briefing will be at Nathan Hale School, March 10th @ 6:30.
Now available on the City's website are answers to questions raised by residents and many FAQs regarding the budget, decisions, taxes, the process, contact info for related city departments and info, etc. Also, you can submit questions. I recommend you visit the City's Budget Q&A page. The Mayor's FY11 Proposed Budget document is also available here. I recommend you at least read the Mayor's message and also find the Calendar of public hearings on page 2-22.
Also, please contact me directly with any budget related questions, comments, or issues. Scrutinizing, changing as necessary, and finalizing the City's annual Budget is one of the most import roles of the BOA.