Tuesday, March 16, 2010

BOA Meeting Report - 3/15/10

Business at this regular meeting included several annual appointments and re-appointments of people to many City Commissions - click here for the Commissions webpage.  Also, the full Board approved two sign requests which had already received favorable recommendation from the City Services & Environmental Policy Committee (I'm vice-chair of this committee).  Donated "Welcome to City Point Historic District" signs were approved as was the designation of a section of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail the "William Lanson Section" to honor his contribution to the original engineering and construction work on the Farmington Canal and Canal Dock.  Approval of items favorably recommended by the Finance Committee included allowing the Whalley Ave. Special Services District to change they way they tax their members, and the approval of the audited FY09 financial statements and monthly financials thru Dec. '09.  You can (should) find the agenda and minutes for this meeting and others on the City's BOA Schedules/Calendar webpage.