Thursday, May 20, 2010

BOA meeting report - 5/20/10

The May 20th, 2010 meeting was moved from Monday to Thursday to insert an unprecedented additional Finance Committee budget deliberation meeting Tuesday night.  With Budget Season rightfully monopolizing most Alder's time, the regular agenda was light.

The meeting opened with the unanimously approved order for Tax Refunds due (usually filer's errors) and the acceptance of US DOJ grant money to go to NHPD bulletproof vests.  Also a few City sliver lots were disposed per recommendation of the LCI director.

Next, with favorable recommendation from the Aldermanic Affairs Committee, the BOA unanimously approved the appointments and reappointments of several residents to City Commissions .

Then, with favorable recommendation from the City Services and Environmental Policy Committee (I'm Vice Chair; but missed the 4/22 meeting for NHPS spring break) several items also passed unanimously including: the establishment of an "ON-Street Parking Working Group" to explore how to maximize this City asset, the naming of a Wooster Square street corner after the late Battalian Chief Anthony P. "Dicky" Gambardella," the "adoption" of the Haitian City of Port au Prince and establishment of a volunteer Haitian Resources Relief Center modeled after Bridgeport and to continue to help the Haitian people here and in Haiti connect and rebuild after the earthquake tragedy, approval of a sign for Wireless Wizard at 786 Chapel St., the acceptance of Greater New Haven Transit District grant money for bikeway markings and signage, the acceptance of EPA grant money ($200K) for Brownfield Cleanup (earmarked for lot at Wall & State), and the acceptance of EPA grant money ($1 million) for a Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Program (money not allocated yet but sites along River St are a possibility).

Next, with favorable recommendation from the Community Development Committee, came the unanimous approval establishing a 20 year lease agreement with Christian Community Action for the family shelter they run and have run for many years at a City owned property (acquired through tax foreclosure 30+ yrs ago) at 124 Sylvan Ave.  This formalizes a "hand shake" agreement from long ago with the City and moves capital improvements, maintenance, and insurance responsibility from the City to CCA.  These costs will be covered by State grants to CCA, and these lease terms in lieu of monthly lease payments will serve the City and those served by CCA well for the next 20 years.

The meeting then ended with those Alders present unanimously voting for a resolution condemning AZ Senate Bill 1070 and urging the AZ legislature to reconsider this ill-advised and extreme "anti-illegal immigration" measure.  This resolution will be forwarded to the AZ legislature, and it is also the hope of those voting to condemn this type of legislation, that New Haven residents will see that similar policy will not be enacted in New Haven.

And so concluded the last "regular" meeting before next week's special budget meeting... stay tuned...