Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Revalution Info (property re-assessment)

Please check out this very good NHI article and great video explanation by my colleague Justin Elicker (10-D).  Please call or email me with any additional questions.

The Mayor's presentation is available here. Also, the City is sending out a second letter (12/14) with additional information.

Two letters will be coming from the city with information on your new assessment.  Or, you can visit Vision Appraisal's website to look up your property.

The formal Assessment Appeals process begins Feb 1st.  Check back for more info or call Alderman Marchand!

Remember,  your property's assessment is only a piece (I do appreciate it's a significant piece to us property owners!) of the city's tax base, and one of many, many pieces (revenue side and spending side) of the huge puzzle that results in the property tax you will pay in 2012.  You have opportunity to correct and/or appeal your assessment.  You also have time to talk to your Alderman and participate in the public collaboration and debate as the 2012-13 budget is created, tweaked, changed, vetted, and approved.  The Mayor (by Charter) submits his proposed budget by March 1st (usually no sooner).  Then the BOA hold public hearings, do their oversight and then ratify the budget which then sets the property tax rate (mill rate) for FY12-13 beginning July 1, 2012.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

BZA Hearing Agenda 12/13 - 7-Eleven & Cafe

They will probably re-submit

Several neighbors have asked about two items on this Tuesday's BZA agenda.   

A new cafe ("cafe" is the description for a full bar per state liquor control) at Whalley & Dayton St. needs a special exception to open and some are concerned about it being a "stand alone bar."  Also, 7-Eleven seeks the necessary variance to be open between 11pm and 6am.  This store would occupy the old Tommy K's at Whalley & East Ramsdell.

The Westville-West Hills Community Management Team has heard from neighbors and CMT vice chair Andy Orefice has sent around a letter you can read here.

These items (and others) will be heard by the BZA on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 6:30pm at 200 Orange Street in the Hearing Room in the basement. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and public testimony is welcome.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Saturday Library Hours Restored

Mitchell Branch Library Hours include Saturdays, Noon - 5pm, beginning 10/1:

Mitchell Branch, 37 Harrison Street,

Monday 12:00 – 8:00, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 – 6:00, Saturday 12:00 – 5:00.

Click here to read the press release regarding re-instating Saturday hours at NHFPL branches.
E-BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE including for Kindle:
Link to E-Book page on NHFPL website

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Parking Meters Proposal for Downtown UPDATED

 UPDATE 12/7/11:  Most of the new meters are now installed.  The new, later hours will go into effect soonish.  The City is first giving folks a chance to get used to the new meters.  The new hours will be added to the existing signs.

The BOA has approved capital bonding for new parking meter heads with today's technology to replace mechanical meters and allow for "dynamic parking" rates, credit card acceptance, much lower maintenance costs, and many other benefits.  Below is a link to the Memo to Aldermen with an update and map from Jim Travers, interim director of Transportation, Traffic & Parking, which hopefully will clear up confusion regarding the proposal to extend meter times downtown.  I'm confident all changes will include collaboration with and be in the best interest of the many City stakeholders, residents, and New Haven tax payers:

Jim Travers' Memo to Aldermen

Friday, September 23, 2011

NHPD Reporting

NHPD Reporting.  Many neighbors have shared their concerns regarding their ability to report un-witnessed property crimes to the NHPD. Last spring, the City's CAO together with NHPD and the Dept of Public Safety Communications (DPSC) implemented changes designed to improve service and save costs. However, the "expedited report" change didn't work for a variety of reasons.

To make a police report for un-witnessed property crimes, call the NHPD non-emergency number: 203.946.8221.

The DPSC operator will take the report, decide whether or not to dispatch an officer, and can generate a report with a case number.

Please report ALL crime as this data drives resource allocation.

Please read city CAO Rob Smut's letter to the Public Safety Committee (I and many colleagues shared our constituents' concerns on this issue) explaining efforts for DPSC changes which included the trial reporting changes, but until further notice, the reverting to the old policy of taking reports over the phone by DPSC operators.

Click to read letter from Rob Smuts, CAO, City of New Haven

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friends of Edgewood Park just re-planted 40 Fruit Trees!

UPDATE: FOEP planted trees last weekend (9/24) after winning an orchard in round 3 of the voting.
THANKS TO ALL who voted and the many who helped plant.  Now we need volunteers to water and care for them!  Please contact Friends of Edgewood Park.

Please help the Friends of Edgewood Park reintroduce fruit trees in Edgewood Park, as part of this year's celebration of the centennial of the park redesign by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. FOEP have applied for a Fruit Tree Orchard Grant, from the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, that will provide them with the fruit trees, resources, and expert assistance needed to reintroduce about 45 fruit bearing trees (plus assorted fruit bearing shrubs) in the park. Their application made it to the 100 finalists (out of about 425 contenders worldwide) and now it moves to the online public voting phase that will determine the top 20 vote gatherers who will receive fruit tree orchards to benefit their communities.
Please VOTE on-line via  Please vote everyday 'til the end of JUNE!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mayor's Proposed FY 11-12 Budget - UPDATED 6/12/11

Update: BOA passed an amended budget with no net $ change and thus NO tax increase for FY 11-12.  Please link to this blogpage for the Amendment Summary.

The Mayor has presented his Proposed FY 11-12 Budget to the Board of Aldermen.  The BOA's Finance Committee will hold several public hearings as we review this proposal ahead of adopting this or an amended version by the end of May.  This year I am a member of the BOA Finance Committee.

Budget Calendar from pg 2-26

Download the pdf version: Mayor's Proposed FY 11-12 Budget

Download the pdf version of the Board of Education's budget:
FY2011-12 BOE Site Based Budget

This year's BOE budget is much more transparent.   The BOA will vote the total appropriation but has no line item say in the BOE's budget per City Charter.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

NHPS Magnet School Application Info - UPDATED 3/8/11

 UPDATED 3/8/11: Lottery was held today.  Results will be mailed within the week.

NHPS Magnet School Open Houses - Applications Due Feb 18!

Edgewood Open House Dates:
Thursday, Jan. 13, 10:15am
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 6:30pm
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 10:15am
SNOW: Feb. 10, 10:15am

For more information and other Open House dates link to the Open House Flyer and visit the NHPS Magnet Website for more info.

download: Magnet School Application pdf

REMEMBER, to enroll in Edgewood School families must APPLY BY FEB 18 - Don't forget younger siblings!  More info on my blog-page: NHPS Application Rules 2011.

PLEASE have any families new to New Haven or new to NHPS call or email me, as I'll be glad to help with the NHPS registration/magnet school lottery process.