Sunday, January 24, 2010

BOA Meeting Report - 1/19/10

The 2nd meeting of 2010 agenda included four main items.  The meeting was opened with Divine Guidance from Alderman Lemar making remarks remembering Dr. King and also reflecting on the tragedy in Haiti.  The first item of business was voting on a resolution to name the Board's representatives to the many City Boards & Commissions.  BOA Leadership helped work out who wanted what and encouraged discussion amongst colleagues if there were any conflicts.  With no conflicts for almost all of the slots, the Board approved their representatives to twenty (20) of the Boards and Commissions.  The final few will be voted in at the next meeting - where either unopposed member(s) will be approved or a floor vote will determine the delegate(s).  Boards & Commissions are listed here on the City's website (if they're not updated with our newly elected representatives soon, I'll post my own list.)

The next business included the Board unanimously approving the Tax Collector's recommendations for refunds due (for errors or overpayment). Several Communications were moved (on to committee usually).

Then, several members of the Board (I too signed on)  introduced an Order for the City " create a payroll deduction program for the purpose of sending a collective contribution to Americares or another organization on the ground in Haiti..."  This passed unanimously.  The undersigned Alders pledged their January 2010 stipend to seed the participating City employees' collective donation.

Although added late to the Agenda, Alderman Goldson's couple items, pertaining to his and two other Ward 30 residents being elected and named as representatives to the Local Redevelopment Authority (for redevelopment planning for the Libby US Army Reserve Center on Wintergreen Ave.), were discussed, debated, and resolved in Caucus and the public information session ahead of the regular meeting.  Goldson was looking for the Board's help in gaining a seat on the LRA.  The Mayor provided him an appointment to the LRA and the Unanimous Consent Order for the two other community appointments (he desired) was changed to a Communication item and moved to Committee for consideration.

The meeting ended with a couple items of Personal Privilege including recognizing Alderman Lehtonen (Ward 27) being recognized by his employer, Sikorsky, for 30 years of service, and Alderman Paca (Ward 24) requesting a moment of silence for the passing of three neighbors from his ward.