Parks, Recreation & Trees have assigned a crew to work on stump removals during the winter months. They are noting and marking stumps for CBYD and they'll try remove as many as they can in the next few months. They are also working on removing the unsightly 10' tall stumps that have been left from time to time and occasionally used by the utility companies for pole anchors.
Stump removal of course does not have the same high priority as addressing dangerous tree issues. Safety concerns will always be the Park Dept.'s number one priority as custodians of our City's thousands of trees.
Urban Resources Initiative is the City's current tree planting partner. The Mayor has pledged to increase tree planting and re-planting over the next several years. I have asked the Parks Dept. to include stump removal as integral to this planting initiative.
Please download URI's Fall News Letter (.pdf) to read more about what they have already done and what they plan to do as a partner with the City to plant more trees.
Please also read my Blog about my meeting in Oct. with Parks Dep. Dir. Christy Hass who is also the City's Tree Warden.